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Github Flavoured

Tables can be written using the standard Github Flavoured Markdown syntax:

Cells in a column can be aligned using the : character:

Adding a Caption

You can use the {table} directive to add a caption to a markdown table.

List Tables

The {list-table} directive is used to create a table from data in a uniform two-level bullet list. “Uniform” means that each sublist (second-level list) must contain the same number of list items.

CSV Tables

The {csv-table} directive is used to create a table from comma-separated values (CSV) data. Block markup and inline markup within cells is supported. Line ends are recognized within quoted cells.

Complex Tables with Style

It is also possible to write tables in raw HTML with rowspan and colspan, as well as for example:

Notebook outputs as tables

You can embed Jupyter Notebook outputs as tables. See Embed and Reuse Jupyter Outputs for more information.

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